Sabtu, 27 Mei 2023

AI and Humans: Will we be replacing by AI?


The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked questions and concerns about the future of human involvement. Will AI replace humans in various domains? In this blog, we will explore this topic and shed light on why AI is not poised to replace us, but rather work alongside us. By understanding the unique qualities of humans and the complementary role of AI, we can embrace a collaborative future.

AI, or artificial intelligence, refers to the field of computer science and technology that focuses on creating intelligent machines or systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI encompasses a wide range of techniques, algorithms, and methodologies aimed at enabling computers to exhibit intelligent behavior.

AI can be considered both a concept and a technology. As a concept, AI represents the idea of creating machines that can mimic or simulate human intelligence, including abilities such as problem-solving, learning, reasoning, perception, and language understanding. As a technology, AI refers to the implementation and application of various algorithms and models to enable machines to perform intelligent tasks.

AI systems can take many forms, including chatbots, virtual assistants, recommendation systems, image recognition systems, autonomous vehicles, and more. These systems are built using various AI techniques, such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics, among others.

AI as a Supportive Tool

AI is designed to assist humans, not replace them. It excels in tasks involving data analysis, pattern recognition, and automation. However, AI lacks the emotional intelligence, creativity, and subjective judgment that humans possess. Instead of viewing AI as a threat, we should recognize its potential as a supportive tool that enhances our capabilities and augments various tasks.

Human Creativity and Innovation

Creativity and innovation are deeply ingrained in the human spirit. Our ability to generate new ideas, think outside the box, and find unconventional solutions sets us apart. While AI can process vast amounts of data and provide insights, it cannot replicate the human imagination and the intuitive leaps that lead to breakthrough discoveries. Humans will continue to be the driving force behind innovation.

Emotional Intelligence and Human Connection

Emotional intelligence and human connection are crucial aspects of many domains, such as healthcare, counseling, and customer service. While AI can simulate emotions, it lacks genuine empathy and understanding. Humans possess the ability to interpret complex emotional cues and form deep connections. The human touch and empathy are invaluable, making us essential in roles that require emotional intelligence.

Adaptability and Versatility

Humans have an incredible capacity for adaptability and versatility. We can acquire new skills, learn from experiences, and apply knowledge across different domains. AI, on the other hand, is highly specialized and limited to the tasks it is programmed for. Humans' flexibility enables us to tackle novel situations, think critically, and excel in complex, multidisciplinary work.

Ethical Decision-Making and Responsibility

Ethical decision-making involves a complex interplay of values, morals, and judgment. While AI can process data and provide recommendations, it lacks the ability to fully grasp the societal context and the consequences of its actions. Humans bear the responsibility of setting ethical guidelines, making nuanced decisions, and being accountable for the outcomes. Human involvement is vital to ensure ethical and fair decision-making.

AI as a Tool for Human Advancement

Rather than being replaced by AI, humans can leverage its capabilities for their benefit. AI can automate mundane tasks, provide valuable insights, and free up human time and energy for more meaningful endeavors. By collaborating with AI, humans can focus on higher-level thinking, creativity, and problem-solving, leading to personal and professional growth.

In conclusion, AI is not a threat that will replace humans but a tool that complements our abilities. We possess unique qualities such as creativity, emotional intelligence, adaptability, and ethical judgment that make us indispensable. AI can serve as a supportive partner, enhancing our capabilities and enabling us to tackle complex challenges. By embracing the collaborative potential of AI and humans, we can shape a future where both entities work together to achieve greater heights of progress and innovation.

Khamis, 25 Mei 2023

Removing the Stigma: Why Suicide Shouldn't Be a Crime

The criminalization of suicide has been a subject of ongoing debate and discussion, sparking conversations about the intersection of compassion, mental health support, and the effectiveness of legislation in dealing with such delicate matters. For far too long, suicide has been treated as a crime, which has perpetuated a harmful stigma and hindered the progress of mental health advocacy. However, a growing consensus is emerging, acknowledging that suicide should never have been labeled as a criminal act in the first place. 

When we view suicide through the lens of a health issue, it becomes evident that punitive measures are ineffective and fail to address the underlying factors contributing to mental distress and suicidal ideation. Suicide is most often a consequence of severe mental anguish and untreated mental illnesses, such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder. By criminalizing suicide, society has historically overlooked the critical need for empathy, understanding, and comprehensive mental health support. In this article, we delve into the reasons why suicide should be treated as a health issue rather than a legal offense.

Mental Health and Compassion:

Suicide is primarily a result of intense mental anguish, frequently linked to untreated mental illnesses. When suicide is criminalized, it overlooks the fundamental challenges individuals face and contributes to a damaging societal stigma. However, adopting a compassionate approach enables us to cultivate empathy, comprehension, and the advancement of mental health support systems. By shifting our perspective, we can create an environment that encourages understanding and provides the necessary resources for those in need.

Seeking Help and Support:

When suicide is treated as a crime, it hinders individuals from seeking the help they desperately need. The fear of facing legal repercussions acts as a significant barrier, preventing individuals from reaching out and exacerbating their already vulnerable mental health conditions. By shifting our perspective away from punishment and emphasizing accessible mental health services, we create an environment where individuals feel empowered to seek assistance, breaking the cycle of despair and opening up pathways to recovery and healing.

Addressing Root Causes:

Punitive measures fall short in addressing the complex underlying factors that contribute to suicide. The influences of social dynamics, psychological well-being, and environmental circumstances are crucial in understanding mental health. By shifting the narrative and considering suicide as a health concern, society can redirect its focus towards implementing comprehensive mental health initiatives. This includes early intervention programs, raising awareness through campaigns, and actively working to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. By adopting a holistic approach, we can foster a supportive environment that promotes mental well-being and offers effective solutions for those in need.

Rehabilitation and Supportive Interventions:

Criminalizing suicide often prioritizes punishment over rehabilitation, failing to address the underlying mental health issues. However, by acknowledging suicide as a health issue, our attention can shift towards a more compassionate and supportive approach. Through rehabilitation programs, counseling services, and community-based interventions, we can provide the necessary support and guidance to individuals struggling with mental health challenges. By focusing on healing and prevention, we can create a society that promotes well-being and offers the tools for individuals to overcome their struggles and find hope for the future.

International Perspectives:

In a global trend, countries are moving towards decriminalizing suicide and acknowledging it as a public health issue. It is widely understood that punitive measures do not adequately address the intricate nature of mental health challenges. Instead, the focus has shifted towards prevention strategies, raising awareness, and establishing comprehensive mental health systems that provide support and care to individuals in crisis. By prioritizing prevention and fostering a supportive environment, societies are taking significant steps towards promoting mental well-being and ensuring that those in need receive the necessary assistance.

The decriminalization of suicide represents a pivotal moment in our collective journey towards destigmatizing mental health and adopting a compassionate approach. By recognizing suicide as a health issue, we can challenge the misconceptions and biases surrounding mental health struggles. This shift in perspective allows us to foster understanding, empathy, and acceptance, creating an environment where individuals feel safe and supported in seeking help. It is crucial that we prioritize mental well-being and invest in prevention efforts, early intervention programs, and comprehensive mental health support systems. By doing so, we can ensure that individuals in distress receive the care and assistance they need to navigate their challenges and find hope. Let us unite in our commitment to creating a world where mental health is given the attention it deserves, and no one feels isolated or alone in their struggles. Together, we can make a difference and build a society where compassion and support are the cornerstones of our response to mental health issues.

Those suffering from problems can reach out to: Mental Health Psychosocial Support Service (03-2935 9935 or 014-322 3392); Talian Kasih (15999 or WhatsApp 019-261 5999); Jakim’s Family, Social and Community care centre (WhatsApp 0111-959 8214); and Befrienders Kuala Lumpur (03-7627 2929 or for a full list of numbers and operating hours).

A New Era: Attempted Suicide No Longer A Crime

On mental health awareness month. We won! πŸŽ€

In a significant stride towards mental health advocacy, Malaysia has achieved a momentous victory during this Mental Health Awareness Month. Attempted suicide, which was previously considered a crime, has finally been decriminalized. This remarkable decision symbolizes a monumental shift towards compassion, empathy, and support for those battling their inner demons.

The Day!

The decriminalization of suicide in Malaysia marks a significant milestone in addressing mental health issues and providing support to those in distress. It signifies a shift towards a more compassionate and proactive approach, fostering an environment where individuals can seek help without fear of legal consequences.

23th May 2023, will forever hold a significant place in history for survivors of suicide attempts and advocates in Malaysia. After rigorous debates and relentless advocacy, this momentous date marks the culmination of efforts to decriminalize suicide in the country. The long-awaited victory brings hope and a renewed commitment to supporting mental health, empowering individuals, and fostering a society that embraces compassion and understanding. Let us reflect on the significance of this historic milestone and the journey it took to reach this pivotal moment.

A Hard-Fought Battle:

The road to decriminalizing suicide in Malaysia has been an arduous one. Survivors, mental health advocates, and dedicated individuals have passionately campaigned for this change. Their tireless efforts in raising awareness, challenging stigmas, and promoting compassionate responses have paved the way for a more empathetic society. May 23, 2023, stands as a testament to their resilience, determination, and unwavering belief in the value of every individual's life.

Understanding the Change:

For many years, suicide has been perceived as a criminal act in various legal systems around the world, often resulting in further stigma and barriers to seeking help. However, Malaysia has taken a progressive step by recognizing that suicide is a complex manifestation of mental health challenges rather than a criminal offense. By decriminalizing attempted suicide, the nation has embraced a more compassionate approach to supporting individuals in their darkest hours.

A Paradigm Shift towards Compassion:

The decision to decriminalize attempted suicide signifies a paradigm shift in how society views mental health issues. It acknowledges that individuals grappling with suicidal thoughts are in need of understanding, empathy, and access to appropriate mental health resources. By removing the threat of legal consequences, Malaysia has demonstrated its commitment to prioritizing the well-being of its citizens and fostering a society that promotes open dialogue and support for mental health.

The Importance of Mental Health Awareness:

This milestone highlights the significance of dedicating an entire month to Mental Health Awareness. It provides an opportunity to shed light on the pervasive stigma surrounding mental health and to educate the public about the complexities of these issues. By engaging in open conversations, sharing personal experiences, and promoting understanding, we can collectively contribute to a more supportive environment for those facing mental health challenges.

Support for Those Battling Demons:

To all those bravely fighting their inner battles, this victory is a testament to your strength and resilience. It serves as a reminder that you are not alone in your struggles and that seeking help is not a sign of weakness, but rather a courageous step towards healing. Malaysia's decision to decriminalize attempted suicide sends a powerful message of solidarity, encouraging individuals to reach out for support without fear of legal repercussions.

Building a Mental Health Support System:

While decriminalization is a crucial step forward, it is equally essential to establish a robust mental health support system in Malaysia. This includes increasing access to mental health professionals, helplines, support groups, and affordable treatment options. By investing in mental health infrastructure, we can ensure that those in need receive the assistance they deserve, ultimately reducing the incidence of suicide attempts and fostering a mentally healthier society.

Challenging Stigma and Fostering Empathy:

Decriminalization goes beyond legal reform; it challenges societal stigma and prompts a shift in how we perceive and approach mental health issues. It compels us to cultivate empathy, understanding, and compassion towards individuals battling their inner demons. By dismantling stereotypes and encouraging open conversations, we can create an environment that embraces and supports those in need.

Education and Prevention:

In addition to legal reforms, Malaysia must prioritize mental health education and prevention initiatives. Raising awareness about mental health disorders, promoting early intervention, and providing resources for mental health literacy are essential steps in preventing suicide attempts and promoting overall well-being. By integrating mental health education into schools, workplaces, and communities, we can equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to identify warning signs and provide timely support.

The decriminalization of attempted suicide in Malaysia is a landmark victory for mental health advocates and individuals struggling with their mental well-being. This progressive step sends a powerful message that mental health challenges should be met with empathy, understanding, and support rather than punishment. This decision opens doors to a future where individuals struggling with mental health challenges can seek help without fear of legal consequences. 

Let us continue to promote understanding, awareness, and accessible resources as we strive to build a society that prioritizes mental well-being and offers a lifeline to those in need. As we celebrate this milestone during Mental Health Awareness Month, let us continue our efforts to build a society that prioritizes mental well-being, challenges stigma, and provides the necessary resources for recovery and growth. Together, we can create a future where no one feels alone in their struggles and where every individual has the opportunity to thrive. 

Rabu, 17 Mei 2023

Exploring the Many Doors Open to Psych Grads: My Journey Beyond Traditional Practice

        Hey there, fellow psychology enthusiasts! I want to take a moment to talk about something that has been on my mind lately. You see, just because we've studied psychology doesn't mean we're bound to become practicing psychologists, counselors, or therapists. 
        Don't get me wrong, those roles are incredibly important and fulfilling, but I've come to realize that there are so many other exciting avenues within the field that we can explore. Let's talk about the diverse paths that psychology graduates like you and I can take, especially when it comes to research and interdisciplinary opportunities. So, buckle up and join me on this journey.
        When I finished my psychology degree, I felt a bit overwhelmed by the limited job options available in the field. But, as I began to explore, I realized that there are countless exciting career paths beyond the traditional roles of psychologists, counselors, and therapists. In this article, I'm excited to share my journey and the diverse paths I've discovered that have allowed me to utilize my psychology degree in new and exciting ways.

        My Journey: After completing my psychology degree, I felt a bit lost. I loved the field, but I wasn't sure I wanted to pursue traditional psychology roles. So, I started exploring alternative paths, and I'm glad I did! Here are some of the areas I found particularly exciting:

        1. Cognitive Neuroscience: Cognitive neuroscience is the study of how brain structures and processes are involved in the production of psychological phenomena such as perception, memory, language, and attention. As a psychology grad, I found this area particularly interesting since it blends psychology with neuroscience, opening up new avenues for research and discovery.

        2. Social Psychology: Social psychology is the study of how social and cultural factors influence individual behavior and attitudes. This field fascinated me since it allowed me to explore how society impacts individual actions and beliefs.

        3. Human Resources: Human resources is a field that involves managing and developing the people within an organization. As a psychology grad, I found this area particularly appealing since it allowed me to utilize my knowledge of human behavior and motivation to help organizations create better work environments and support their employees' growth.

        4. Research:
        Psychology research is a vast and ever-evolving field that offers exciting opportunities for graduates. As a researcher, you can conduct studies and experiments, collect and analyze data, and publish your findings in academic journals. There are several areas of research that psychology graduates can explore, such as cognitive psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, and clinical psychology.

        Moreover, there are interdisciplinary research fields that combine psychology with other disciplines such as neuroscience, computer science, and biology. This interdisciplinary approach allows researchers to investigate complex questions and create innovative solutions that can benefit society.
        5. Teaching:
        Another potential path for psychology graduates is teaching. Graduates can teach at various levels, including primary, secondary, and post-secondary education. Teaching offers the opportunity to impart knowledge to future generations, inspire students, and make a positive impact on society.

        Psychology graduates can teach a range of subjects, including introductory psychology courses, research methods, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, and social psychology. They can also develop and teach specialized courses that align with their research interests or areas of expertise.

        6. Consulting:
        Consulting is another avenue that psychology graduates can explore. As a consultant, you can apply your knowledge of human behavior, motivation, and emotion to help individuals, organizations, and businesses achieve their goals. Consultants can work in various settings, including healthcare, education, government, and corporate organizations.

        Consulting work can include conducting assessments, providing recommendations, developing training programs, and implementing interventions. Psychology graduates can specialize in areas such as organizational behavior, human resources, marketing, and management, to name a few.

        In conclusion, my fellow psychology enthusiasts, let's remember that our journey doesn't have to end with becoming practicing psychologists, counselors, or therapists. There is a world of possibilities out there for us to explore. Market research, teaching, consulting, and interdisciplinary research are just a few of the exciting paths that psychology graduates can embark upon.

        So, let's embrace the diverse opportunities that lie before us. By blending psychology with other disciplines, we can make valuable contributions to fields such as cognitive neuroscience, social sciences, and market research. We can delve into the fascinating realm of human behavior, understanding why people think, feel, and act the way they do.

        Let's keep our minds open and not close off any doors. The field of psychology is evolving, and so are our roles within it. With our knowledge and skills, we can make a positive impact in research labs, classrooms, consulting firms, and market research companies.

        So, go ahead and explore the vast possibilities that await you. Follow your passions, delve into interdisciplinary collaborations, and uncover new insights about the human mind and behavior. Together, we can shape the future of psychology and make a difference in the world.

        Remember, the study of psychology is just the beginning of an incredible journey. Embrace the adventure, and let's unlock the endless doors that await us!

Rabu, 4 Januari 2023

Van Gogh Alive Expectation vs Reality - Kuala Lumpur


30th Dec 2022 – My friends and I decided to go to the Van Gogh Alive Exhibition at the Pavilion Bukit Jalil in Kuala Lumpur. Since we haven't met in a while and to celebrate the end of the year. We ended up here since one of my friends who has adores for Van Gogh art so much. 

Desclaimer: I'm not much into art. Anyone who read this may disagrees with my point and welcome to comment and unvalidated my point. 🀣

We went at 1:00 pm on Friday, and it wasn't too packed at first. After a few minutes, the crowd began to appear because it was 1:30 p.m ++

entrance Van Gogh
The first thing we must do is, of course, stand the queue. Because the venue is small and the guest is a lottt, they need manage the crowd efficiently by allowing them to enter in batches.

Aisya Adi Van Gogh
Then the 1st thing you will see the sunflower little room with a mirror reflection to make it appear wider. This is where people overhype and exaggerate. It's beautiful, but it's too small and crowded. And the flower is only a fake flower, so with so many people inside at once, you can't get a really beautiful shot here.

Van Gogh

The 2nd section will show you an open area with a lot of printed paintings and information about Van Gogh life journey. After did some reading, I learned that Van Gogh loved the yellow colour. It's no surprise that the first thing we see in his exhibition is a sunflower. And my friend said that Van Gogh's life was kind of sad because the entire artwork and colour scheme is all dawn and not colourful. πŸ˜‚

You can also see a blue room? Is this a Van Gogh bedroom? Maybe? I'm not sure, but the queue to just take a photo in the room is also quite long. But it's pretty lame πŸ‘€.

sketching Van Gogh

There is also a drawing session here, where they just load a YouTube video and provide the participants with drawing tools and papers. I don't try it because it's literally pencil handwriting with YouTube help, and I'm not that great to show off my terrible drawing there. Hahaha. But it's not literally a drawing I think. It just a sketching.  

So, for the 3rd section, we'll have a mirror tunnel with a shimmering curtain? They bring you to an open space with many projectors to portray Van Gogh's arts and life. 

We learn about Van Gogh's life in a 40-minute immersive show, which I really enjoy. There are a lot of people in here, some standing, others sitting, and a few taking pictures and recordings.

open space Van Gogh alive

And boom the exit door and they have offers some souvenir there.. 

2 Van Gogh alive
Van Gogh alive

but don’t go back firstt!

They have another exhibition right next door. This section appeals to me more than the first, although it is still too small. 

2 exhibition Van Gogh

Here is a greeting from a Van Gogh portrait. 

Van Gogh portrait
Van Gogh portrait

So we meet another light row, this one quite expressive, but don't be fooled. Isn't that large. There are only two rows of lights, and the road is quite small.

Van Gogh lights

Then we walk through another cool art where they offer us a basket of light (imagine it a fire kot) and when we put the light near the dark wall, the sunflowers bloom as well.

Van Gogh sunflower

Following that, they offer a photo session, but we didn't bother with the photo thingy that costs money. Also, they have a shower of joy, which is all about the reflection. When they provide you a white umbrella and you stand beneath the art reflection, the umbrella will change color. It's mesmerising!

Van Gogh frameVan Gogh umbrella

Then there's a tiny area, I'm not sure what they call it, but you can go inside to see the moving art and videos of the art.

Another last projection art - the room basically consists of chairs and a table. It seems to be a meeting room with projector art. If you get tired of walking inside, you can rest for a few minutes here before leaving. But I don't think you'll be tired because you can finish the exhibition in under an hour.

Van Gogh
 Last but not least, they offer another gift shop where you can get Van Gogh printing souvenirs.

Van Gogh souvenirs

Overall, it's a pretty cool exhibition, but it's not worth RM75 because it's overhyped. Feels like the exhibition didn’t do justice to Van Gogh art. And for me personally, if you're going for aesthetic and just to follow the hype, it's not worth it, but if you want to learn more about Van Gogh, I highly recommend it. There's a lot to be learned here.

The price of the ticket I think it is a little pricey for just projector visuals and a printed wall with some lighting. I'm not sure. You can judge my review by reading it below. The exhibition lasted only three months. 17/12/2022 - 16/03/2023. If you're still interested in January, you can head here. But there's the ticket.

  • RM75.00  - Adult / MyKad Holders aged 13 to 60 years old.
  • RM68.00 - Concession /For Senior Citizens above 60 years old, MyKid
  • RM110.00 - Non-MyKad /For Non-MyKad & Non-MyKid Holder.
  • RM46.00 - Persons with Disabilities / Malaysian registered with JKM
  • FREE ENTRY for ages 5 and below, irrespective of MyKad (MyKid) status! 

Van Gogh Ticket

You can buy the tickets here: Van Gogh Alive

Please let me know what you think of the exhibition. Since it is a seasonal exhibition, I am writing this blog to express my appreciation, and who knows, maybe there will be another Van Gogh exhibition in the future that we can compare!

aisya adi

Thxx! and happy new year! πŸ’–

Sabtu, 12 November 2022

Aisya Adi

Aisya Adi

Aisya Adi adalah nama baru dalam arena penulisan. Anak kelahiran Selangor ini sangat meminati dunia penulisan semenjak di bangku persekolahan. Mempunyai pengetahuan dalam bidang psikologi, pemasaran dan penyelidikan sains sosial. Beliau gigih mencabar diri menceburi bidang-bidang lain untuk menjadikan penulisan beliau lebih versatil dan boleh disesuaikan mengikut pelbagai peringkat pembaca.

Walaupun sibuk dengan urusan sebagai seorang penyelidik pasaran, di sebuah syarikat global. Beliau tetap aktif memanfaatkan pelbagai platform dan peluang untuk meningkatkan kemahiran dalam bidang penulisan. Malahan beliau telah membina satu laman sosial iaitu A Better Soul Journey untuk meluahkan idea kreatif dan perkongsian mengenai kesihatan mental, kata-kata semangat dan tips kearah kehidupan yang lebih baik  

Tidak hanya itu, di masa terluang, beliau juga aktif bergiat dalam kesukarelawanan melibatkan kesihatan mental dan penyelidikan komuniti. Cenderung menghasilkan penulisan kearah genre artikel, perkongsian dan tips kepada pembaca mendorong beliau untuk membuka blog personal iaitu Blog Aisya Adi yang dijadikan platform perkongsian beliau di masa lapang. Bermula hanya sekadar diari kehidupan, kini beliau mula mempelbagaikannya kearah penulisan yang mampu memberi manfaat kepada pembaca.

Anak bongsu daripada enam orang adik beradik ini juga berkongsi bahan penulisan ilmiah beliau di dan telah meraih ribuan pengikut dan ratusan ribu pembaca. Beliau sangat gembira apabila bahan penulisannya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh pembaca terutamanya pelajar.

Kini beliau bersama dalam perjuangan Aksara Digital Solutions untuk mengangkat penulisan Bahasa melayu dalam dunia SEO dan pemasaran digital. Beliau mengambil peluang untuk memanfaatkan kerjaya beliau sebagai penyelidik pasaran dan pengetahuan penulisan artikel yang diterima secara formal ketika di menara gading untuk menghasilkan penulisan yang bermutu kepada Aksara. Bagi beliau, penghasilan karya yang baik perlu melalui penyelidikan dan rujukan daripada bahan dan jurnal rasmi, dipercayai dan terkini bagi menjamin mutu penulisan dan ia juga mencerminkan etika penulis itu sendiri.

Berkelulusan dari Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) dalam bidang Psikologi, beliau ingin tampil dengan penulisan yang lebih serius dan meluas dalam matlamat untuk berkongsi pengalaman dan memberi manfaat kepada lebih ramai pembaca.

Mengimpikan untuk menyebarkan kesedaran kepentingan dunia penulisan yang sihat dan berkualiti untuk menarik minat masyarakat membaca sekaligus memeliharan kesejahteraan emosi dan intelektual pembaca yang kian tenggelam dek kepincangan industri penulisan di Malaysia.

Selasa, 23 Ogos 2022

Some Rules That Can Help You In Life, Some Commons Sense Lah!

Hi alls  πŸ‘‹

For today tips of life, I want to share some social rules that can help you lives better and makes people around you please and happy with you existents, some people called it, common sense?

1. Don’t call someone more than twice continuously. If they don’t pick up your call, presume they have something important to attend to. 

As and intovert, I really hate someone spamming me. Hey can you just type what happen if that’s an urgent? What’s the purpose of having whatsapp. πŸ₯²

2. Return money that you have borrowed even before the person that borrowed you remember or ask for it. It shows your integrity and character. Same goes with umbrellas, pens and lunch boxes. 

I have this one friend, all my belongings are still with her, but she never return. Last month she come to me, first to ask for my update. Chatting for a few weeks, changing pictures, then she asked to borrow money. Because she’s the only friend that still keep in touch with me from my uni. I lend her some. Not once, not twice, but few times and never return. Now, we’re stranger again.

3. Never order the expensive dish on the menu when someone is giving you a lunch/dinner. 

4. Don’t ask awkward questions like ‘Oh so you aren’t married yet?’ Or ‘ Don’t you have kids’ or ‘Why didn’t you buy a house?’ Or why don't you buy a car? For God’s sake it isn’t your problem. 

As I grown up, I just don’t care and don’t mind anymore with this kind of questions. But not everyone will accept this question, so please mind your words. Better silent or just keep quiet when you have anything nice to say. 🀫

5. Always open the door for the person coming behind you. It doesn’t matter if it is a guy or a girl, senior or junior. You don’t grow small by treating someone well in public. 

6. If you take a taxi with a friend and he/she pays now, try paying next time. Not only for accommodation, but in everything. Whenever someone’s use their money first. You should have a common sense to repay it back next time, even they not asking for it.

7. Respect different shades of opinions. Remember what's 6 to you will appear 9 to someone facing you. Besides, second opinion is good for an alternative.

8. Never interrupt people talking. Allow them to pour it out. As they say, hear them all and filter them all.

9. If you tease someone, and they don’t seem to enjoy it, stop it and never do it again. It encourages one to do more and it shows how appreciative you're.

10. Say “thank you” when someone is helping you. I guess it’s a basic? 

11. Praise publicly. Criticize privately. 

12. There’s almost never a reason to comment on someone’s weight. Just say, “You look fantastic.” If they want to talk about losing weight, they will.

13. When someone shows you a photo on their phone, don’t swipe left or right. You never know what’s next!

14. If a colleague tells you they have a doctors' appointment, don’t ask what it’s for, just say "I hope you’re okay". Don’t put them in the uncomfortable position of having to tell you their personal illness. If they want you to know, they'll do so without your inquisitiveness;

15. Treat the cleaner with the same respect as the CEO. Nobody is impressed at how rude you can treat someone below you but people will notice if you treat them with respect;

16. If a person is speaking directly to you, staring at your phone is rude! Except if it’s flirting. But flirting that can make you comfortable is some sort of harassment. You need to defend yourself!

17. Never give advice until you’re asked. But you’re always welcome to be someone’s listener.

18. When meeting someone after a long time, unless they want to talk about it, don’t ask them their age and salary.

19. Mind your business unless anything involves you directly - just stay out of it. And please don’t assume that everything around need to be involve with you. Sometimes it has nothing to do with you. You overthink that people try to isolate you but it’s just your overthink. Please just mind your own business.

20. Remove your sunglasses if you are talking to anyone in the street. It is a sign of respect. More so, eye contact is as important as your speech.

21. Never talk about your riches in the midst of the poor. Similarly, don't talk about your children in the midst of the barren. Harsh words will permanently in the heart of the listeners, even after you apologise, you will never erase the hurt. Stay humble in words and actions. 

22. After reading a good message try to say "Thanks for the message". You might just made someone’s day for the reply. ❤️

APPRECIATION remains the easiest way of getting what you don't have....


AI and Humans: Will we be replacing by AI?

  The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked questions and concerns about the future of human involvement. Will AI replace humans ...