Rabu, 30 Mac 2022

18 December 2020 - My first time experiencing flood!

This is my first time experiencing a flood so bad that it went inside my house.

I am fine and the waters now drained, but nearly everything is destroyed. Saddest part was watching all my books bobbing around.

The flood receded after a three days and we spent more than three days to cleaning up the house, it was a hectic days for my family.

Everyone knows the cost to recover from this flood will be devastating. This is not a "natural disaster". This is what we get for deforestation and disrespect to mother nature. Just look at the colour from the water.🌳

Malaysia really need some alert or warning SMS to inform the people like other countries. Not only for Covid-19, but also for heavy rain, possible flood/natural disaster, heat vawe and similar warning. It's not like this is first time disaster happened and won't be the last.

Aisya Adi banjir

Aisya Adi banjir

Stay safe, my Malaysian friends. πŸ™πŸ»

Just a short thought of - Goodbye Again by Jonny Sun


Idk why I feel a bit triggered on this page. 

I just want to said be careful with books like this. Not to be a downer, but this seems to glorify dogging on yourself for supposedly being worthless, and you do matter to someone, and will be missed when you are gone from this earth. 🌼

Of course it is true that life does go on. This is true because the world existed with or without us. Always has, always been and always will be. but I do believe we all make an impact probably greater than we realize. As a student, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a lover, volunteer and doing my best each day… I can’t imagine any one person not leaving a hole in someone’s heart when they go. I would have to argue that we all leave an impact in some way from the things we have said and done in our lives and that has a ripple effect.

It made me feel like we should relax on putting so much pressure on ourselves to be great or perfect. In the long run, we should just love ourselves the way we are, because the size of the hole that we leave will not change in relation to how “great” we are.

The book is called Goodbye Again by Jonny Sun🀍

Short templet for your email job application!

 Sharing a short and sweet job application email, specially for fresh grads! Hope this helps you guys in securing interviews. Good luck!


Dear ____,

I hope this email finds you well and that you are in the pink of health.

My name is ____, and I would like to submit my application for the ____ position at ____.

I am a ____ graduate from ____, and have just recently concluded my internship at ____, under the ____ in the ____ department. With experience in ____ and ____, I am confident that I am well-equipped to kick-start my career and accelerate my professional growth at ____.

Please find my resume attached for your kind perusal. Should you have any questions or would like more information from me, I am available via email or mobile (____).

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,


Covid Fighter!


Macam mana tau covid-19?

16/1 - I start demam, batuk, sore throat, hilang selera

17/1 - My brother in law buat PCR sebab dia nak naik offshore. Dia positif. 

18/1 - My whole family buat home call PCR test

20/1 - Officially positive Covid-19. 

29/1 - Potong gelang!

Simptom - demam, batuk, selsema, hilang deria bau & fatigure (extremly haha). I'm not close contact with anyone. Maybe ada dalam family yang jadi pembawa. We assume ayah sebab dia rajin ke surau hahaha. My bil mungkin dapat sebab nephew I setiap hari duduk rumah parents I kalau ayah dia kerja. so merebak-merebak macam tu. 

Apa nak buat kalau positive Covid-19?

1. Jangan panik, menangis, meraung segala. Tarik nafas sedalamnya dan bertenang.  

2. Update MySejahtera. Pilih Helpdesk. Lepas tu, pilih Option F. Jawab soalan dan upload keputusan swab test. Status dalam MySejahtera akan tukar jadi merah selepas 1-2 hari.

Bila dah merah, kita kena isi health assessment 2 kali sehari sampai habis kuarantin. Dalam health assessment, kita kena jawab soalan dan isi suhu, SPO2, tekanan darah & kadar denyutan nadi.

3. Call atau whatsapp CAC daerah masing-masing. Ada CAC guna landline. Ada yang guna whatsapp sahaja. Lain CAC lain cara ya.

Tujuan call CAC untuk dapatkan nasihat sama ada perlu hadir ataupun kuarantin di rumah. 

Kalau perlu hadir, kena tanya boleh walk-in ataupun by appointment. Warga emas dan ibu mengandung, wajib ke CAC walaupun gejala ringan.

Pengalaman sendiri di CAC Selangor, kena download app Selangkah & isi lagi sekali details kita termasuk berat, tinggi, tarikh vaksinasi (jika ada), tarikh swab test.

4. Nanti ada doktor dari KKM yang akan call untuk tanya keadaan kita. Kena alert dengan panggilan telefon ya.

5. Kalau rasa sesak nafas & oxygen bawah paras normal, terus ke hospital terdekat (Emergency). Jangan tunggu.

Apa yang kita perlu ada semasa kuarantin di rumah?

1. Thermometer

2. Oximeter - alat untuk check tahap oxygen dalam darah

3. Blood pressure monitor - alat untuk check tekanan darah & nadi. Beli yang ada adapter sekali. Kalau tak, jenuh ganti bateri.

4. Panadol

5. Ubat batuk

6. Ubat selsema

7. Cool Fever

8. Disinfectant spray - penting sebab kita nak sanitize ruang & permukaan. Contohnya bilik air, tombol pintu. Boleh beli spray gun ataupun Dettol spray tu.

9. Disinfectant wipe - bila rasa malas nak spray, kita boleh guna tissue basah ni.

10. Hand sanitizer - kena rajin sanitize tangan.

11. Facemask - kena pakai kalau ada antara ahli keluarga yang negatif covid-19.

12. Supplement - I just amik vitamin C(250mg) & habatussauda'(black seed oil). Masa sihat tak makan supplement pun sebab memang sejenis manusia yang payah nak telan ubat.😬

13. Fruits and veges!

14. I ambil air lemon mix n halia. not bad.

Alat no 1-3 beli di farmasi ya. Seeloknya semua orang dah ada alat ni. Home essentials.

Apa yang perlu kita makan?

Bila dah sakit ni memang takde selera. Tapi kena paksa makan untuk tenaga. Roti, sup, buah atau jus buah sesuai je buat alas perut. Ikut selera masing2. Asalkan makan.

Banyak minum air suam. Keep hydrated. Takpela ulang alik toilet pun. Tapi pastikan sanitize toilet lepas tu ya.

Lagi, apa nak buat dalam tempoh kuarantin/recovery?

Be positive dan kuat semangat! Semangat ni datang dari diri kita dan orang sekeliling. 

Terima kasih semua yang sentiasa bertanya khabar, share tips2, bagi semangat, hantar makanan dan doakan I & family. I akan ingat setiap orang ni.❤️

Clear your mind. No work related matters. Kena betul-betul focus untuk recovery tanpa stress.

Untuk yg Muslim - solat, doa, baca Yasin, selawat Syifa dan amalan2 yang bagus untuk kita spiritually.

Disclaimer: Ni pengalaman I sendiri. Mungkin tak sama dengan orang lain ya. 

Pegi vaksin! Jangan overthinking ckp agenda yahudi la, mikrochip la, jadi zombie la🀦🏼‍♀️

I satu family dah amik vaksin & walaupun ada yg tak complete 2 dos, alhamdulillah masih bergejala ringan.

Take care semua! Mencegah lebih baik dari mengubati. Ha gittew!❤️

Aisya Adi 


20/1 I dah habis 10 quarantine ALLHAMDULLILAH!

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